Organization Directory
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Lincoln Elementary School
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Elementary Schools
Most recent 07/08/22 - Out of 483 students in Lincoln Elementary School, 16.6 percent were in fifth-grade during 2020-2021 school year
Lincrest Elementary School
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Elementary Schools
Most recent 07/08/22 - Out of 571 students in Lincrest Elementary School, 17.2 percent were in fifth-grade during 2020-2021 school year
Linda Elementary School
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Elementary Schools
Most recent 06/27/22 - Out of 646 students in Linda Elementary School, 13.5 percent were in sixth-grade during 2020-2021 school year
Live Oak Middle School
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Elementary Schools
Most recent 07/07/22 - Out of 526 students in Live Oak Middle School, 26.4 percent were in eighth-grade during 2020-2021 school year
Lloyd G. Johnson Junior High School
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Middle Schools
Most recent 06/18/22 - Out of 343 students in Lloyd G. Johnson Junior High School, 27.7 percent were in sixth-grade during 2020-2021 school year
Loma Rica Elementary School
Schools: K-8 Schools | Public Elementary Schools
Most recent 06/27/22 - Out of 84 students in Loma Rica Elementary School, 19 percent were in fifth-grade during 2020-2021 school year