
Yuba-Sutter Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

California U.S. Rep John Garamendi: "According to Republicans, helping the middle class is buying votes. But bailouts for Wall Street and..."

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John Garamendi tweeted the following:

"According to Republicans, helping the middle class is buying votes.
But bailouts for Wall Street and the wealthy is just business as usual. twitter.com/dancrenshawtx/"
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Here are other recent tweets from John Garamendi:

"Yesterday @POTUS cleared the debt of half of all Latino student debtors and put the rest on the path to financial security. Thats crucial to closing the racial wealth gap and ensuring all students have a fair shot at the American Dream. nbcnews.com/news/latino/al"
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"Theres still time to delete this. twitter.com/judiciarygop/s"
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"As gas prices drop for a 72nd straight day remember that @HouseDemocrats voted to crack down on price gouging by the oil industry and every single Republican voted no."
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