Sheriff Joe Garofalo | Official website of Colusa County
Sheriff Joe Garofalo | Official website of Colusa County
Colusa County has initiated the application process to fill three elected positions: District Attorney, Assessor, and Treasurer-Tax Collector/Public Administrator. The District Attorney role became vacant due to a recent gubernatorial appointment, while the Assessor and Treasurer-Tax Collector/Public Administrator will retire on December 31, 2024. The Colusa County Board of Supervisors is seeking qualified individuals to apply for these roles.
The District Attorney's term will last from the appointment date until January 2, 2029. This six-year term aligns with the Presidential election cycle before returning to a four-year term. The appointed Assessor and Treasurer-Tax Collector/Public Administrator will serve from January 7, 2025, to January 5, 2027. These positions will be up for election in June 2026.
Candidates must meet requirements specified in the California Government Code and be registered voters in Colusa County when sworn into office.
Daniel Charter is retiring as Treasurer-Tax Collector/Public Administrator after a distinguished 38-year career. In his resignation letter, Charter remarked, "I have enjoyed working for the County over the past 38 years and have enjoyed beating every other county in the state for most of those 38 years on yields on investment."
Arnold Gross retires as Assessor after serving for 40 years, with ten years as an elected official. Gross expressed gratitude in his resignation letter: "It has been an honor to serve the people of Colusa County. It has been a challenge but at the same time very rewarding."
Brendan Farrell was sworn in as a Judge at Colusa County Superior Court following his service in the District Attorney’s Office.
Interested candidates should submit a letter of interest confirming their qualifications by October 23, 2024, to the Office of the Board of Supervisors (547 Market Street, Suite 102; Colusa). Public interviews are scheduled for October 29, with notifications sent out by October 25. For more information, contact (530) 458-0508.